Had he not been 50 years old, and so one of the natural rulers of the family, Uncle John would have preferred not to sit in the honor place beside the driver. Uncle John, a lonely man and a loner since the death of his wife, sat uneasily. Being one of the heads of the family, he had to govern; and now he had to sit on the honor seat beside the driver.

Which statement indicates direct characterization in this passage?

Uncle John was one of the people in charge of the family.

Uncle John was a very young man.

Uncle John liked being in the honor seat.

Uncle John was upset about the death of his wife.

Uncle John, a lonely man and a loner since the death of his wife, sat uneasily.

The statement "Uncle John, a lonely man and a loner since the death of his wife, sat uneasily" indicates direct characterization in this passage.

The statement that indicates direct characterization in this passage is "Uncle John, a lonely man and a loner since the death of his wife, sat uneasily." This statement directly describes Uncle John's character by stating that he is lonely and has been a loner since the death of his wife. It provides specific details about his personality and emotional state. To identify direct characterization in a passage, look for statements that directly describe a character's traits, actions, or emotions without requiring inference or interpretation.