When creating digital content, defining who your target audience is and determining the purpose of your content will form part of your… 

digital content strategy. 

digital skills. 

digital plan. 

digital preference. 

digital content strategy.

The correct answer is: digital content strategy

The correct answer is "digital content strategy."

When creating digital content, it is important to have a clear understanding of your target audience and the purpose of your content. Defining who your target audience is helps you tailor your content to their needs, interests, and preferences. Determining the purpose of your content helps you align your content creation efforts with your overall goals and objectives.

By considering your target audience and the purpose of your content, you can develop a digital content strategy. A content strategy outlines how you will create, distribute, and optimize your content to reach your audience and achieve your goals. It involves planning and organizing your content creation process, defining your content goals, and selecting the most effective channels and formats to deliver your content.

So, when creating digital content, defining your target audience and determining the purpose of your content are key components of developing a digital content strategy.