Country S has 12,345,000 residents who tested positive for COVID-19. What is the largest place value of the numeric part of this quantity? ___ million

The largest place value of the numeric part of 12,345,000 is million.

what million

12,345,000 residents can be expressed as 12.345 million.


I apologize for the incorrect response. The largest place value of the numeric part of 12,345,000 is also million. Therefore, it can be expressed as 12.345 million.

The largest place value of the numeric part of the quantity 12,345,000 is millions. So, it can be written as 12.345 million.

To determine the largest place value of the numeric part of the quantity 12,345,000, we need to identify the position of the leftmost digit that is not zero. In this case, the leftmost digit that is not zero is "1".

Now, we can count the number of zeros after the leftmost digit. In the quantity 12,345,000, there are six zeros.

Converting this information into place value, the number 12,345,000 can be expressed as 12,345,000 = 12.345 million.

Therefore, the largest place value of the numeric part of the quantity is "million".