How did the ruling in the Miranda v. Arizona case change law enforcement procedures?(1 point)


Law enforcement may question a suspect before reading a suspect their rights.
Law enforcement may question a suspect before reading a suspect their rights.

Law enforcement must read a suspect their Miranda rights prior to being interrogated.
Law enforcement must read a suspect their Miranda rights prior to being interrogated.

Law enforcement may search a home without a warrant.
Law enforcement may search a home without a warrant.

Law enforcement may interrogate a suspect without the presence of an attorne


Law enforcement must read a suspect their Miranda rights prior to being interrogated.

How do nearby businesses with similar products usually compete?

(1 point)

offering deals and low prices

offering deals and low prices

changing to different product types

changing to different product types

lowering the level of service to save costs

lowering the level of service to save costs

establishing a minimum price for everyone to use

offering deals and low prices

What is a positive effect of competition?

(1 point)

increased value for consumers

increased value for consumers

increased wages for workers

increased wages for workers

increased profits for producers

increased profits for producers

increased incentives for investors

increased value for consumers

How has the dedication to a market economy changed the U.S. government?

(1 point)

It led to the Bill of Rights.

It led to the Bill of Rights.

It led to support for workers' rights.

It led to support for workers' rights.

It led to a belief in freedom of enterprise.

It led to a belief in freedom of enterprise.

It led to a preference for producer rights over consumer rights.

It led to a preference for producer rights over consumer rights.

It led to a belief in freedom of enterprise.

What does greater competition among sellers usually lead to?

(1 point)

lower prices and fewer choices for buyers

lower prices and fewer choices for buyers

lower prices and more choices for buyers

lower prices and more choices for buyers

higher prices and fewer choices for buyers

higher prices and fewer choices for buyers

higher prices and more choices for buyers

higher prices and more choices for buyers

lower prices and more choices for buyers

The correct response is: Law enforcement must read a suspect their Miranda rights prior to being interrogated.

The ruling in the Miranda v. Arizona case changed law enforcement procedures by establishing the requirement that law enforcement officers must read a suspect their Miranda rights before interrogating them. This means that before questioning a suspect in custody, law enforcement must inform them of their right to remain silent, their right to an attorney, and the consequences of waiving those rights. This ruling was made to protect the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and to ensure that suspects are aware of their rights during police interrogations. The Miranda warning is now a standard practice that law enforcement officers must follow when questioning suspects in custody.