Which of the following is one question to ask when evaluating an introduction

A.does the introduction have a strong closing idea
B. How many sentences does the introduction have
C. How did the writing grab the attention of the reader
D. What support is provided to explain the topic

C. How did the writing grab the attention of the reader

C. How did the writing grab the attention of the reader

The question to ask when evaluating an introduction is: "C. How did the writing grab the attention of the reader?"

To determine how the writing grabbed the attention of the reader, you need to critically analyze the opening sentences of the introduction. Look for any compelling techniques or strategies used to engage the reader's interest. Consider if the introduction starts with a captivating anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful statement that immediately hooks the reader. By determining how the writing grabs the attention of the reader, you can assess the effectiveness of the introduction in drawing the reader in and setting the tone for the rest of the piece.