What is the purpose of an introduction

A. To provide evidence that supports the central argument of a text
B. To summarize the ideas in a text
C. To state the goals and purpose of the text
D. To tell a story related to the main topic of a text

C. To state the goals and purpose of the text

The purpose of an introduction in a text is primarily C. To state the goals and purpose of the text.

The introduction sets the stage for what the reader can expect from the text and helps them understand the overall focus or direction of the writer's piece. It often includes a thesis statement or central argument, which is a concise statement that presents the main idea or purpose of the text. While the introduction may also provide some background information or context, its main purpose is to present the goals and purpose of the text, rather than providing evidence or summarizing ideas (options A and B) or telling a story (option D).

The purpose of an introduction is to state the goals and purpose of a text. Option C correctly captures the purpose of an introduction. It is essential to start a text by clearly articulating what the writer intends to achieve and why they are writing. An introduction sets the stage for the reader, giving them an understanding of what to expect and providing context for the rest of the text. It acts as a guide, helping the reader navigate through the ideas and arguments presented. This clarity allows the reader to engage with the text more effectively, knowing what the writer aims to accomplish.