Blank are nutrients that are needed for growth and repair of the body’s tissues

A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Fiber
D. Proteins

D. Proteins

D. Proteins

The correct answer is D. Proteins. Proteins are a crucial macronutrient that the body needs for the growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues. They play a fundamental role in the structure and function of cells, organs, muscles, and enzymes.

To determine the answer to this question, you can use your general knowledge about nutrition and the functions of different nutrients in the body. In this case, the question specifically asks about the nutrient needed for growth and repair of body tissues.

Carbohydrates (A) are primarily a source of energy for the body. Fats (B) provide energy, insulation, and support for cell membranes. Fiber (C) aids in digestion, but does not contribute significantly to growth and repair of tissues.

Therefore, the most appropriate answer is D. Proteins, as they are responsible for these critical functions in the body.