Digital Art, test, unit 3 Lesson 9

Which Best explains how 3D art appears in modern movies? (1 point)
a. Almost any flat surface can be used as a movie screen.
b. if there is any tool to show depth in the film, it is 3D art.
c. Objects can appear to be coming out of the film toward audiences.
d. Rather than in the film itself, 3D art appears in the marketing for the film.

c. Objects can appear to be coming out of the film toward audiences.

The best answer to the question "Which best explains how 3D art appears in modern movies?" is:

c. Objects can appear to be coming out of the film toward audiences.

In modern movies, 3D art is often used to create visual effects that give the illusion of objects or scenes coming out of the screen towards the audience. This creates a more immersive and realistic viewing experience.

To determine the best answer, let's analyze each option:

a. Almost any flat surface can be used as a movie screen.
This option refers to the projection surface and is not directly related to how 3D art appears in modern movies. Therefore, it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

b. If there is any tool to show depth in the film, it is 3D art.
This option suggests that 3D art is used as a tool to create depth in the film. Since 3D art can create the illusion of three-dimensional objects, it is plausible that this option is correct. However, we should examine the other options before making a final choice.

c. Objects can appear to be coming out of the film toward audiences.
This option describes the effect of objects appearing to come out of the film. It aligns with the concept of 3D art, which can create the illusion of depth. Therefore, this option is also plausible.

d. Rather than in the film itself, 3D art appears in the marketing for the film.
This option suggests that 3D art is mainly used in marketing rather than within the movie itself. While 3D art can be utilized in film promotion, the question specifically asks about its appearance in modern movies, making this option less likely to be correct.

Considering the question's focus on how 3D art appears in modern movies, options b and c seem more relevant than options a and d. Both options b and c suggest that 3D art is used to create depth and provide an immersive experience in modern movies. However, option c specifically mentions how objects can appear to come out of the film, which aligns closely with the concept of 3D art.

Therefore, the best answer to "Which best explains how 3D art appears in modern movies?" is:
c. Objects can appear to be coming out of the film toward audiences.