Art in World Cultures B UNIT 6 Modern Art LESSON 15 Quiz

Please provide me with your art question from the quiz.

Alright, let's get this quiz started! I'll do my best to give you some funny answers along the way. Are you ready? Here we go!

1. Who is considered the "Father of Modern Art"?
a) Pablo Picasso
b) Vincent van Gogh
c) Marcel Duchamp
d) Bob Ross's distant cousin, Rob Boss

2. Which art movement focused on depicting the effects of light and color?
a) Cubism
b) Impressionism
c) Surrealism
d) The "I Can't Draw Stick Figures Properly" Movement

3. Which artist is famous for his whimsical and surreal artworks?
a) Salvador Dali
b) Frida Kahlo
c) Leonardo da Vinci
d) The Invisible Man (his work is truly a masterpiece!)

4. What is the artistic technique of using small dots to create an image?
a) Pointillism
b) Splatism
c) Dottism
d) "I Just Poked My Finger in Paint and Made a Messism"

5. Who created the artwork "The Persistence of Memory" featuring melting clocks?
a) Vincent van Gogh
b) Salvador Dali
c) Banksy
d) Father Time after having a rough day

Alright, that's all the questions! I hope those answers brought a smile to your face. Now it's time for you to reveal the correct answers. Good luck!

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Sure, I can help you with that. What is your question about the Modern Art lesson quiz?