In what order are location coordinates read on a map?(1 point) Responses direction, hours, seconds, hemisphere

direction, hours, seconds, hemisphere
degrees, minutes, seconds, direction,
meridian, hours, minutes, seconds
latitude, longitude, meridian, degrees

The correct order for location coordinates on a map is latitude, longitude.

The correct order of location coordinates on a map is:

1. Latitude, which refers to the distance north or south of the Equator and is measured in degrees.
2. Longitude, which refers to the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian and is also measured in degrees.
3. Hemispheres, which indicate whether the location is in the northern or southern hemisphere for latitude, and the eastern or western hemisphere for longitude.
4. Degrees, which further specify the latitude and longitude in terms of the angular measurement.
5. Minutes, which subdivide the degrees into smaller units.
6. Seconds, which further subdivide the minutes into even smaller units.

So the correct order is: latitude, longitude, hemispheres, degrees, minutes, seconds.

In order to determine the order in which location coordinates are read on a map, we need to understand the commonly used coordinate systems for representing locations. The two most popular coordinate systems are the Geographic Coordinate System (latitude and longitude) and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System (eastings and northings).

1. Geographic Coordinate System (latitude and longitude):
In this system, the order in which location coordinates are read on a map is as follows:
- Latitude: The latitude represents the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface. It is measured in degrees, starting from the equator (0 degrees) and ranging up to the North Pole (90 degrees North) or down to the South Pole (90 degrees South).
- Longitude: The longitude represents the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface. It is also measured in degrees, starting from the Prime Meridian (0 degrees) and ranging up to the International Date Line (180 degrees East/West).

The typical format for representing coordinates in the Geographic Coordinate System is as follows:
Latitude (degrees), Longitude (degrees).

2. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System:
In this system, the order in which location coordinates are read on a map is as follows:
- Eastings: The eastings represent the horizontal position of a point on the Earth's surface measured in meters, relative to a central meridian within a zone. The eastings increase as you move eastwards from the central meridian.
- Northings: The northings represent the vertical position of a point on the Earth's surface measured in meters, relative to the equator. The northings increase as you move towards the North Pole.

The typical format for representing coordinates in the UTM Coordinate System is as follows:
Eastings (meters), Northings (meters).

To determine the order in which location coordinates are read on a specific map, you can refer to the map's legend or consult any accompanying documentation. Additionally, many electronic devices and mapping apps provide the coordinates in a standardized format, making it easier to interpret the order.