Based on this data, how many seconds will it take rock 2 to fall?

(1 point)

4.0 seconds
4.0 seconds

0.4 second
0.4 second

1.6 seconds
1.6 seconds

40 seconds
40 seconds
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Based on the given data, it is not possible to determine how many seconds it will take for rock 2 to fall.

To determine how many seconds it will take for rock 2 to fall, we need to look at the given data. Unfortunately, the provided options do not seem to contain the correct answer. However, if you have access to the complete data set or the relevant information, you can calculate the falling time for rock 2 using the following formula:

falling time = distance / (acceleration due to gravity)

The distance refers to the height from which rock 2 is dropped, and the acceleration due to gravity is usually represented as 9.8 m/s^2 (meters per second squared). By dividing the distance by the acceleration due to gravity, you can calculate the falling time in seconds.

I'm sorry, but without the actual data provided, I cannot determine the exact number of seconds it will take for rock 2 to fall. Could you please provide the necessary data for me to give you a more accurate answer?