Five territories Liberia lost during territorial expansion

1) The territory of Elfenbeinküste (Ivory Coast): Liberia lost a significant portion of its territory to Ivory Coast in 1919, following a dispute over the boundary between the two countries.

2) The territory of Guinea: Liberia lost a strip of land along its northern border to Guinea in 1944, as a result of a territorial dispute.

3) The territory of Sierra Leone: Liberia lost a small area of land to Sierra Leone in 1903, after a long-standing border dispute was settled by the British colonial authorities.

4) The territory of Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta): Liberia lost a small portion of its territory to Upper Volta in 1919, following another boundary dispute.

5) The territory of Gbarpolu: In more recent times, Liberia also lost a small area known as Gbarpolu County to Guinea in 2005, after a referendum was held to determine the wishes of the local population.

During its territorial expansion, Liberia lost several territories. Here are five territories that Liberia lost:

1. Kru Coast: The Kru Coast, also known as Cape Palmas, was a territory located in southeastern Liberia. It was ceded to the British in 1862 under the terms of the Anglo-Liberian Treaty to establish a boundary between Liberia and British-controlled Sierra Leone.

2. Gallinas Territory: The Gallinas territory was situated in northwestern Liberia, near the Sierra Leone border. It was a major trading center for slaves during the 18th and 19th centuries. However, it was annexed by Sierra Leone in 1847.

3. Basso Cove: Basso Cove was a coastal territory located in southeastern Liberia. It was leased to the American Colonization Society (ACS) in 1832 and later annexed by the ACS in 1834. However, it was subsequently reacquired by Liberia in 1856.

4. Maryland in Africa: Maryland in Africa was a territory founded by the Maryland State Colonization Society in 1833. It was situated in present-day southeastern Liberia. However, due to financial difficulties, the territory was transferred to the control of Liberia in 1857.

5. Sinoe Territory: The Sinoe Territory was located in southeastern Liberia, just north of Maryland in Africa. It was first settled by freed slaves from the United States in 1835. However, in 1869, Sinoe was declared a separate colony by the Liberian government, ending its status as part of Liberia's territory.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and there may have been other territories that Liberia lost during its territorial expansion.

During its territorial expansion, Liberia lost five territories. To find out which territories Liberia lost, you can follow these steps:

1. Research Liberia's territorial history: Gain an understanding of Liberia's territorial expansion and the time period when it occurred. Look for reliable sources such as historical books, academic papers, or reputable websites.

2. Identify notable territorial acquisitions: Determine the territories that Liberia acquired during its expansion. This will help you understand the regions that could potentially have been lost later on.

3. Research territorial disputes: Investigate any territorial disputes involving Liberia during its expansion. There may have been conflicts with neighboring countries or indigenous groups over certain areas.

4. Analyze historical events: Examine any significant events that may have resulted in the loss of territories for Liberia. This could include wars, boundary negotiations, or political agreements that led to territorial concessions.

5. Consult reputable sources: Look for reliable historical sources that specifically discuss Liberia's territorial losses. These sources may provide detailed information on which territories were lost and the circumstances surrounding their loss.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the five territories that Liberia lost during its territorial expansion. Remember to rely on credible sources to ensure accuracy in your research.