The passage below is most closely connected to which of Hitler's goals?


creation of a totalitarian state
creation of a totalitarian state

territorial expansion
territorial expansion


suppression of Communism
suppression of Communism

creation of a totalitarian state

Based on the passage, the most closely connected goal of Hitler would be the creation of a totalitarian state.

To determine which of Hitler's goals the passage is most closely connected to, we need to analyze the content of the passage. However, since the passage is not provided, I cannot give a specific answer.

To find the answer yourself, you can:

1. Look for keywords related to each of Hitler's goals in the passage. For example, if the passage mentions the establishment of a dictatorship or control over all aspects of society, it would be connected to the creation of a totalitarian state goal. If the passage discusses acquiring new territories or expanding German influence, it would relate to territorial expansion. If the passage highlights hatred or discrimination against Jews, it would be connected to anti-Semitism. And if the passage focuses on the suppression or eradication of Communist ideology or organizations, it would be related to the goal of suppressing Communism.

2. Consider the historical context and events surrounding Hitler's goals. Look for connections between the content of the passage and significant actions or policies undertaken by Hitler during his leadership.

By analyzing the passage's content and considering its context, you should be able to determine the goal that it is most closely connected to.