Which of the following constructs an anti-imperialist argument annexation of the Philippines

1- Annexation of the Philippines would divide resources that should be spent on Americans in America
2- Annexation of the Philippines could increase the US geopolitical position
3- Annexation of the Philippines would provide America with direct access to Chinese markets
4- Annexation of the Philippines would go against American values of freedom and liberty

4- Annexation of the Philippines would go against American values of freedom and liberty

The following construct an anti-imperialist argument against the annexation of the Philippines:

1- Annexation of the Philippines would go against American values of freedom and liberty. This argument suggests that annexing the Philippines would contradict the principles of freedom and liberty upon which the United States was founded. It argues that imposing American rule on another nation against their will would be hypocritical and not in line with American ideals.

2- Annexation of the Philippines would divide resources that should be spent on Americans in America. This argument highlights the concern that the United States should prioritize its own citizens and their needs over undertaking costly military operations and administering a distant territory. It suggests that resources and funds could be better utilized to improve conditions and opportunities for Americans at home, rather than investing in a foreign territory.

Please note that the other two options:

3- Annexation of the Philippines could increase the US geopolitical position.
4- Annexation of the Philippines would provide America with direct access to Chinese markets.

These options do not necessarily construct an anti-imperialist argument as they focus on potential benefits to the United States, rather than considering the moral implications or the impact on American values.

To identify which statement constructs an anti-imperialist argument against the annexation of the Philippines, we need to examine each statement and analyze its perspective on imperialism.

1- "Annexation of the Philippines would divide resources that should be spent on Americans in America."
This statement does not necessarily reflect an anti-imperialist argument. It focuses more on resource allocation within America rather than questioning the act of annexation itself.

2- "Annexation of the Philippines could increase the US geopolitical position."
This statement does not directly oppose imperialism. It suggests that annexing the Philippines could benefit the US in terms of geopolitical power, which aligns with imperialistic ambitions rather than opposing them.

3- "Annexation of the Philippines would provide America with direct access to Chinese markets."
This statement also does not present an anti-imperialist argument. It highlights potential economic gains for America through the acquisition of the Philippines, rather than challenging the imperialistic nature of annexation.

4- "Annexation of the Philippines would go against American values of freedom and liberty."
This statement reflects an anti-imperialist argument. It asserts that annexing the Philippines contradicts American values of freedom and liberty, suggesting that imperialism infringes on these principles.

Therefore, the fourth statement, "Annexation of the Philippines would go against American values of freedom and liberty," constructs an anti-imperialist argument against the annexation of the Philippines because it challenges the act of annexation on the grounds of conflicting with American values.