How do you write 4 is to 16 as 12 is to 48 as a proportion in fractional notation

The proportion in fractional notation would be:

{{{4/16 = 12/48}}}

describe three ways to write the ratio that compares 4 electronic devices for every 3 people

1. 4:3 - In this format, the ratio is written with a colon (:) between the two numbers. So, it can be written as "4 to 3" or "4 for every 3".

2. 4/3 - This represents the ratio as a fraction. 4 is the numerator (the top number) and 3 is the denominator (the bottom number). It can be read as "4 over 3".

3. 4 per 3 - This phrasing indicates that for every group of 3 people, there are 4 electronic devices.

How do you write 5 to 1 as 20 is to 4 as a proportion in fractional notation

To write the proportion "5 to 1 as 20 is to 4" in fractional notation, we can express it as:

{{{5/1 = 20/4}}}

You fill your car with 15 gallons of gas at the cost of $45. using fractional notation, how do you write a proportion that shows how much 5 gallons of gas will cost? use x to represent the unknown cost

To write the proportion that shows how much 5 gallons of gas will cost, we can set up the following equation using fractional notation:

{{{15/45 = 5/x}}}

Here, x represents the unknown cost of 5 gallons of gas.

Determine if 2.5/10 = 12/48 or 2.5/48 = 12/24 is a proportion

To determine if 2.5/10 = 12/48 is a proportion, we can cross-multiply and check if the two products are equal.

2.5 * 48 = 10 * 12
120 = 120

Since the products are equal, it means that 2.5/10 = 12/48 is indeed a proportion.

To determine if 2.5/48 = 12/24 is a proportion, we can also cross-multiply:

2.5 * 24 = 48 * 12
60 = 576

Since the products are not equal (60 ≠ 576), it means that 2.5/48 = 12/24 is not a proportion.

the cost of a pencil is described by the equation y=$0.19x what is the cost for one pencil