How do you write 4 is to 16 as 12 is to 48 as a proportion in fractional notation

The proportion in fractional notation would be:

{{{4/16 = 12/48}}}

describe three ways to write the ratio that compares 4 electronic devices for every 3 people

1. 4:3 - In this format, the ratio is written with a colon (:) between the two numbers. So, it can be written as "4 to 3" or "4 for every 3".

2. 4/3 - This represents the ratio as a fraction. 4 is the numerator (the top number) and 3 is the denominator (the bottom number). It can be read as "4 over 3".

3. 4 per 3 - This phrasing indicates that for every group of 3 people, there are 4 electronic devices.

How do you write 5 to 1 as 20 is to 4 as a proportion in fractional notation

To write the proportion "5 to 1 as 20 is to 4" in fractional notation, we can express it as:

{{{5/1 = 20/4}}}

You fill your car with 15 gallons of gas at the cost of $45. using fractional notation, how do you write a proportion that shows how much 5 gallons of gas will cost? use x to represent the unknown cost

To write the proportion that shows how much 5 gallons of gas will cost, we can set up the following equation using fractional notation:

{{{15/45 = 5/x}}}

Here, x represents the unknown cost of 5 gallons of gas.

Determine if 2.5/10 = 12/48 or 2.5/48 = 12/24 is a proportion

To determine if 2.5/10 = 12/48 is a proportion, we can cross-multiply and check if the two products are equal.

2.5 * 48 = 10 * 12
120 = 120

Since the products are equal, it means that 2.5/10 = 12/48 is indeed a proportion.

To determine if 2.5/48 = 12/24 is a proportion, we can also cross-multiply:

2.5 * 24 = 48 * 12
60 = 576

Since the products are not equal (60 ≠ 576), it means that 2.5/48 = 12/24 is not a proportion.

the cost of a pencil is described by the equation y=$0.19x what is the cost for one pencil

The cost for one pencil can be found by substituting x = 1 into the equation y = $0.19x:

y = $0.19(1)
y = $0.19

Therefore, the cost for one pencil is $0.19.

the number of poins that pedro scored in the basketbll game is represented by the equation 4y=104x in this equation, y represents the total number of points and x represents the number of games. How many points did pedro average per game

To find out how many points Pedro averaged per game, we need to divide the total number of points (represented by y) by the number of games (represented by x).

The equation is given as 4y = 104x.

We can rearrange the equation to solve for y:

y = 104x / 4

y = 26x

This means that Pedro averages 26 points per game.