Think of any topics you had in your English Language Courses in the past. Make three (3) objectives and identify specific activities that the students will do to hit your objectives. Write this in a ½ sheet of paper. Follow the format below:

Title: Developing Writing Skills through Argumentative Essays

Objective 1: To enhance students' ability to formulate persuasive arguments.

1. Brainstorming Session: Students will be grouped into pairs or small groups and given a controversial topic. They will brainstorm arguments for both sides of the topic and compile a list of at least five strong points for each perspective.
2. Debating Exercise: Students will participate in a class debate, with each group presenting their arguments in a structured manner. Through this activity, they will practice organizing their thoughts coherently and effectively presenting their viewpoints.
3. Peer Review: Students will exchange their written argumentative essays with a classmate. They will provide feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of each other's arguments, focusing on logical reasoning, supporting evidence, and counterarguments.

Objective 2: To improve students' ability to critically analyze and refute opposing arguments.

1. Case Study Analysis: Students will be provided with real-life case studies involving controversial issues. They will critically analyze the arguments presented in these cases, identify the weaknesses, and formulate counterarguments with supporting evidence.
2. Role-Play Debate: Students will be divided into two groups, each representing a different side of a controversial topic. They will engage in a debate, taking turns presenting arguments and refuting each other's points. Through this activity, they will develop skills in constructing compelling counterarguments.
3. Research Presentation: Students will be assigned a research topic related to a specific argumentative essay they have written. They will present their findings, focusing on countering opposing viewpoints based on credible sources, and engage in a Q&A session with their classmates.

Objective 3: To enhance students' writing proficiency by practicing various persuasive writing techniques.

1. Writing Workshop: Students will learn and practice different persuasive writing techniques, such as using rhetorical devices, employing emotional appeals, and structuring arguments effectively. They will apply these techniques in a mini-writing task and receive feedback from the teacher and peers.
2. Analyzing Persuasive Texts: Students will read and analyze various persuasive essays or speeches, identifying the strategies used by the authors to effectively convey their arguments. They will then emulate these strategies by writing their own persuasive essays on a given topic.
3. Writing Conference: Students will have one-on-one conferences with the teacher to review their argumentative essays. The teacher will provide individualized feedback on content, organization, language use, and persuasive techniques, guiding students on areas of improvement and reinforcing effective writing practices.

Topic: Literary Analysis

Objective 1: Students will be able to identify and analyze literary devices used in a text.

1. Teacher will provide a short story for students to read.
2. Students will work in groups to identify examples of different literary devices such as simile, metaphor, personification, and imagery in the text.
3. Each group will present their findings to the class and explain the impact of these literary devices on the overall meaning of the story.

Objective 2: Students will be able to analyze the themes and motifs present in a novel.

1. Students will read a selected novel individually.
2. They will create a mind map or graphic organizer to identify and analyze the recurring themes and motifs in the novel.
3. In small groups, students will discuss their findings, compare their interpretations, and present their analysis to the class.

Objective 3: Students will be able to write a well-structured and coherent argumentative essay.

1. Teacher will provide a controversial topic or prompt related to a current issue.
2. Students will research and gather evidence to support their stance on the given topic.
3. Students will outline and write an argumentative essay, including an introduction, thesis statement, supporting arguments with evidence, counterarguments, and a conclusion. Peer editing sessions and teacher feedback will be conducted to improve the essays.

Title: English Language Courses Lesson Plan

1. Enhance vocabulary skills.
- Activity: Vocabulary Building Game
- Students will engage in a game where they take turns in providing a synonym or antonym for a given word. This encourages critical thinking and aids in expanding their vocabulary.

2. Develop effective communication skills.
- Activity: Debate Discussion
- Students will participate in a debate discussion on a given topic. They will be asked to express their opinions, present arguments, and counter-arguments. This activity promotes communication, critical thinking, and persuasive speaking skills.

3. Improve writing proficiency.
- Activity: Writing Workshop
- Students will engage in a writing workshop where they will receive feedback and suggestions on their writing pieces. They will also work collaboratively to improve their writing skills through peer editing and revision exercises.

In the allotted time, these activities and objectives will help students enrich their vocabulary, strengthen their communication skills, and enhance their writing proficiency.