Describe the best place to put your long-term goals. A. because I have good memory my mind is the best place for my goals so no one else will know what they are. B. since i lose things all the time, I will write them down and give the to my mother to put them away in a safe place C. because I am in front of my bathroom mirror at least once a day i wall tape them to my mirror as a constant reminder of what i want to accomplish D. although i am only there every other weekend i put my goals on the dresser at my cousins house since he is going to help me with them

C. because I am in front of my bathroom mirror at least once a day I wall tape them to my mirror as a constant reminder of what I want to accomplish.

This option ensures that you will see your long-term goals on a daily basis, serving as a constant reminder and motivation to work towards them.

The best place to put your long-term goals would be C. To wall tape them to your bathroom mirror as a constant reminder of what you want to accomplish. This way, you will see your goals every day, which can help you stay focused and motivated.

The best place to put your long-term goals is C. Because you are in front of your bathroom mirror at least once a day, you can tape them to your mirror as a constant reminder of what you want to accomplish. Here's why:

1. Having your goals in your mind (option A) can work if you have a good memory, but there's a risk of forgetting or overlooking them over time. Writing them down provides a more tangible and visual reminder.

2. Giving your goals to your mother to keep in a safe place (option B) is a valid option if you often lose things. However, this may make it less accessible for you to review and be reminded of your goals regularly.

3. Putting your goals on a dresser at your cousin's house (option D) may not be the best choice since you are only there every other weekend. You should have your long-term goals in a place that is easily accessible and visible to you on a daily basis.

4. Placing your goals on your bathroom mirror (option C) is a great choice because you are in front of it at least once a day. This allows you to continually be reminded of what you want to achieve and can serve as a motivational point of focus.

Remember, the key is to have your goals somewhere that you can see them frequently, so they serve as a constant reminder of what you are working towards.