Which of the following best explains how the Preamble to the Constitution relates to our lives today?(1 point) Responses It explains how the justice system works. It explains how the justice system works. It lists the essential individual liberties. It lists the essential individual liberties. It lays out the functions of the federal government. It lays out the functions of the federal government. It provides information on laws of the land.

It provides information on laws of the land.

The Preamble to the Constitution does not specifically explain how the justice system works, lists essential individual liberties, lays out the functions of the federal government, or provides information on laws of the land. Instead, the Preamble serves as an introduction to the Constitution and outlines the goals and purposes of the government. It states: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Therefore, the best explanation of how the Preamble relates to our lives today is that it establishes the overarching principles and ideals upon which our government and society are founded.

To determine which of the given options best explains how the Preamble to the Constitution relates to our lives today, we need to analyze the content and purpose of the Preamble.

The Preamble serves as an introduction to the Constitution and outlines its guiding principles and purposes. It begins with the famous phrase, "We the People," highlighting that the power of the government is derived from the citizens of the United States. The Preamble states the following objectives of the Constitution: to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

By considering these objectives, we can evaluate the provided options:

1. "It explains how the justice system works" - The Preamble does mention establishing justice as one of its objectives. However, it does not explicitly describe how the justice system functions or provide detailed information about it. Thus, this option is not the best explanation.

2. "It lists the essential individual liberties" - While the Preamble does mention securing the blessings of liberty, it does not explicitly list individual liberties. Therefore, this option is not the best explanation either.

3. "It lays out the functions of the federal government" - The Preamble does not provide a specific list or detailed explanation of the functions of the federal government. Although it establishes the goals and purposes of the government, it does not outline the specific tasks or responsibilities of each branch. Therefore, this option is not the best explanation.

4. "It provides information on laws of the land" - The Preamble does not provide detailed information about specific laws. Instead, it sets out the fundamental principles and objectives of the Constitution. Therefore, this option is not the best explanation as well.

Considering the options, the best choice is likely the one that mentions "essential individual liberties" since it aligns with the objective of securing the blessings of liberty stated in the Preamble. However, it is important to note that the Preamble does not explicitly list these liberties but rather guarantees the broader concept of liberty.