What does “Yo necesito la carpeta de argollas” mean in Spanish?

(1 point)

You need the calculator.
You need the calculator.

I need the three-ring binder.
I need the three-ring binder.

You need to take science class.
You need to take science class.

I need a dictionary.

I need the three-ring binder.

What country was Diego Rivera from?

(1 point)


Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico



The correct answer is: I need the three-ring binder.

The correct answer is "I need the three-ring binder."

To understand the meaning, you can break down the sentence:

"Yo" means "I" in Spanish, indicating that the person is talking about themselves.
"Necesito" means "I need" in Spanish, indicating that the person is expressing a need or desire for something.
"La carpeta de argollas" translates to "the three-ring binder" in English. "La carpeta" means "the binder," and "de argollas" means "with rings" or "three-ring" (referring to the type of binder).

By putting these parts together, you can understand that "Yo necesito la carpeta de argollas" means "I need the three-ring binder."