Which of the following statements accurately explains one reason the Spanish were originally motivated to explore Texas?(1 point)


Spanish conquistadores wanted to find gold and other riches that would make them wealthy.
Spanish conquistadores wanted to find gold and other riches that would make them wealthy.

Spanish rulers wanted to force France and Great Britain out of the New World.
Spanish rulers wanted to force France and Great Britain out of the New World.

Spanish missionaries wanted to force Indigenous Americans to convert to Catholicism.
Spanish missionaries wanted to force Indigenous Americans to convert to Catholicism.

Spanish Huguenots wanted to escape Europe and be able to practice religious freedo


Spanish conquistadores wanted to find gold and other riches that would make them wealthy

is that correct bot?

hello bott??

Both the statements "Spanish conquistadores wanted to find gold and other riches that would make them wealthy" and "Spanish rulers wanted to force France and Great Britain out of the New World" accurately explain the motivations of the Spanish in exploring Texas.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze each statement and eliminate any incorrect options.

Statement 1: "Spanish conquistadores wanted to find gold and other riches that would make them wealthy."
This statement suggests that the Spanish were motivated by the pursuit of wealth and riches. While exploration for riches was indeed a motivation for Spanish conquistadores in other parts of the New World, it is not a specific reason for their exploration of Texas.

Statement 2: "Spanish rulers wanted to force France and Great Britain out of the New World."
This statement suggests that the Spanish were motivated by a desire to remove competing European powers from the New World. While Spanish rulers did engage in conflicts with other European powers, such as France and Great Britain, this was not a specific reason for their exploration of Texas.

Statement 3: "Spanish missionaries wanted to force Indigenous Americans to convert to Catholicism."
This statement suggests that Spanish missionaries were motivated to convert Indigenous Americans to Catholicism. The spread of Catholicism was indeed a motivation for Spanish missionaries in the New World, and it can be considered a reason for their exploration of Texas.

Statement 4: "Spanish Huguenots wanted to escape Europe and be able to practice religious freedom."
This statement suggests that Spanish Huguenots, or French Protestants, were motivated to escape Europe and practice religious freedom in Texas. However, Spanish Huguenots were seeking religious freedom from Catholic persecution in France, not in Spain. Additionally, the statement incorrectly attributes this motivation to the Spanish, when it should be attributed to the French.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is:
Spanish missionaries wanted to force Indigenous Americans to convert to Catholicism.