For the equation m + 3 = m + 4, can you substitute a value for m to make this a true number sentence? Show your work, please explain your answer.

No, it is not possible to substitute a value for m that would make the equation m + 3 = m + 4 a true number sentence.

Let's suppose we substitute the value of m with any real number, let's say m = 5.

The original equation becomes:

5 + 3 = 5 + 4

This simplifies to:

8 = 9

As 8 is not equal to 9, the equation is not true.

Therefore, it is not possible to find a value of m that would make the equation m + 3 = m + 4 true.

To determine if we can substitute a value for m to make the equation m + 3 = m + 4 a true number sentence, let's work through it step by step.

First, let's simplify the equation by using the commutative property of addition and combining like terms:
m + 3 = m + 4

Next, let's eliminate the variable m by subtracting m from both sides of the equation:
m - m + 3 = m - m + 4
0 + 3 = 0 + 4
3 = 4

We can see that the equation simplifies to 3 = 4, which is not a true number sentence. Therefore, no value for m can be substituted to make the equation m + 3 = m + 4 true.

To determine if there is a value for m that makes the equation m + 3 = m + 4 true, we can solve for m algebraically.

First, we can start by simplifying both sides of the equation.

On the left side of the equation, we have m + 3.

On the right side of the equation, we also have m + 4.

There are no like terms that can be combined, so we cannot simplify the equation any further.

Next, let's isolate the variable m on one side of the equation by using the properties of equality.

We'll begin by subtracting m from both sides of the equation:

m + 3 - m = m + 4 - m.

Simplifying, we get:

3 = 4.

Now, upon analyzing this equation, we can see that there is no value of m that satisfies the equation 3 = 4. Both sides of the equation are not equal; therefore, substituting any value for m will not make this a true statement.

In conclusion, there is no value that can be substituted for m to make the equation m + 3 = m + 4 true because the given equation is mathematically inconsistent.