How could you check to see if the point (5,6) is the solution to the linear system of equations. Is it a substitute five in for eggs and six in for a while and one of the equation to see if the equation is true or be substitute six in for eggs and five him for a while, and one of the questions to see if the equation is true or say substitute five in for eggs and 16 for wine both equations to see if both equations are true or day substitute 16 for exit 5 him for a while, and both equations to see if both equations are true

To check if the point (5,6) is the solution to a linear system of equations, you would substitute the x-coordinate (5) into the first equation as the value of x, and the y-coordinate (6) into the second equation as the value of y. Then, you would evaluate whether both equations are true when the given values are substituted.

For example, if the system of equations is:

Equation 1: 2x + 3y = 17
Equation 2: 4x - 2y = 8

You would substitute 5 for x and 6 for y:

Equation 1: 2(5) + 3(6) = 17
Equation 2: 4(5) - 2(6) = 8

Evaluate the equations:

Equation 1: 10 + 18 = 17 - True
Equation 2: 20 - 12 = 8 - True

If both equations are true when the substituted values are used, then the point (5,6) is indeed the solution to the given linear system of equations.

To check if the point (5, 6) is a solution to a linear system of equations, you need to substitute the values for x and y into each equation and see if both equations are true.

1. Take the first equation in the system and substitute x = 5 and y = 6:

Equation 1: x + 2y = 16
5 + 2(6) = 16
5 + 12 = 16
17 = 16 (This equation is not true)

2. Now, take the second equation in the system and substitute x = 5 and y = 6:

Equation 2: 3x - y = 5
3(5) - 6 = 5
15 - 6 = 5
9 = 5 (This equation is also not true)

Since both equations are not true when the values (5, 6) are substituted, the point (5, 6) is not a solution to the linear system of equations.

To check if the point (5, 6) is a solution to a linear system of equations, you need to substitute the values of x and y into each equation and see if both equations are true.

Let's say the linear system of equations is:
Equation 1: 3x + 2y = 16
Equation 2: 2x - y = 4

To check if (5, 6) is a solution, substitute x = 5 and y = 6 into each equation:

Substituting into Equation 1:
3(5) + 2(6) = 16
15 + 12 = 16
27 = 16 (Not true)

So, (5, 6) is not a solution for Equation 1.

Substituting into Equation 2:
2(5) - 6 = 4
10 - 6 = 4
4 = 4 (True)

So, (5, 6) is a solution for Equation 2.

Since the point (5, 6) does not satisfy both equations simultaneously, it is not a solution to the linear system of equations.