Alfonso I reshaped Kongo by (1 point)

A. • making Catholicism the state religion and allowing the Portuguese to buy more enslaved people.
B. • converting to Islam.
C. • banning the slave trade in Kongo.
D. • unifying the states of West Africa

A. making Catholicism the state religion and allowing the Portuguese to buy more enslaved people.

The correct answer is A. • making Catholicism the state religion and allowing the Portuguese to buy more enslaved people.

To determine which option is correct, we need to look for information about Alfonso I and his actions in reshaping Kongo. We can start by doing a basic search for Alfonso I of Kongo.

A simple Google search will provide a lot of information about Alfonso I and his reign in Kongo. We can read a few different sources to gather the necessary information.

By reading through reliable sources like history books or academic articles, we can find that Alfonso I did indeed play a significant role in reshaping Kongo. He sought to strengthen his reign and modernize the kingdom by establishing closer ties with European powers, particularly the Portuguese.

During his reign, Alfonso I did not convert to Islam or unify the states of West Africa, so we can eliminate options B and D. Now let's examine the remaining options:

A. Making Catholicism the state religion and allowing the Portuguese to buy more enslaved people: This option aligns with Alfonso I's efforts to establish closer ties with the Portuguese. He did encourage the spread of Catholicism in Kongo and permitted Portuguese merchants to engage in the slave trade. This action contributed to the reshaping of Kongo by stimulating economic growth and increasing European influence.

C. Banning the slave trade in Kongo: This option is not accurate. Alfonso I did not ban the slave trade in Kongo; instead, he facilitated it by allowing the Portuguese to buy more enslaved individuals.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Alfonso I reshaped Kongo by making Catholicism the state religion and allowing the Portuguese to buy more enslaved people.