Fifteen plus zero equals fifteen identify the property

The property is the Additive Identity Property.

The property that is demonstrated in the equation "fifteen plus zero equals fifteen" is called the Additive Identity Property. According to this property, when you add zero to any number, the result is that number itself.

The property that can be identified in the equation "Fifteen plus zero equals fifteen" is the addition identity property.

To explain how to get the answer, let's break it down:

1. The equation is "Fifteen plus zero equals fifteen."

2. "Fifteen" is a specific numeric value, and "plus" denotes the addition operation.

3. "Zero" is also a specific numeric value, which in this case represents the absence of any quantity.

4. When we add zero to any number, the sum will always be the same as the original number.

5. In this case, when we add zero to fifteen, the sum remains as fifteen.

Therefore, based on the equation "Fifteen plus zero equals fifteen," the property being demonstrated is the addition identity property.