Write an inequality to represent: Two more than the sum of a number and three is more than fifteen

the sum of a number and three ... x+3

Two more than ... 2+
is more than ... >
15 ... 15
so, what do you think?

the answer is 5

The sum of seven and the quotient of a number x and eight????

I’m a kid

In 4th grade

Someone respond if you are a math matition

To write an inequality for this statement, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Start by representing "a number" with a variable. For example, let's use "x".

Step 2: Express the sum of a number and three as "x + 3".

Step 3: Then, add two more to the sum: "x + 3 + 2".

Step 4: Finally, the inequality states that this expression is more than fifteen, so we can write the inequality as:

x + 3 + 2 > 15

To simplify the inequality, combine like terms:

x + 5 > 15

This is the inequality that represents the statement "Two more than the sum of a number and three is more than fifteen."

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