Claudia brought a 16-cup jug filled with water to the soccer game. She shared the water with her teammates.

How can Claudia find out how much water they all drank?


Use a measuring cup to find the amount of water left in the jug, and then subtract the number of cups from 16.

Use a scale to weigh the water left in the jug, and then subtract the number of pounds from 16.

Use a ruler to find the height of the water left in the jug, and then subtract the number of inches from 16.

The first option is the most appropriate way for Claudia to find out how much water her teammates drank. She can use a measuring cup to measure the amount of water left in the jug and then subtract that from the initial 16 cups to determine the amount of water consumed.

Casey cuts a 2-pound melon into two pieces and puts each piece on a plate, as shown.

Does that mean the weight of the pieces on each plate is 1 pound?

2 plates each have 1 piece of melon. The left plate has a larger piece. The right plate has a smaller piece.

Yes, because each plate has 1 part of the melon.

No, because the pieces of the melon are not the same size.

Yes, because 2 ÷ 2 = 1.

No, because 2 parts of a melon weigh more than 1 whole melon.

The correct answer is:

No, because the pieces of the melon are not the same size.

Tremaine is mailing a package to his grandmother. Which tool and unit could be used to measure the weight of the package?


Tool: scale
Unit: pounds

Tool: ruler
Unit: inches

Tool: measuring cup
Unit: fluid ounces

Tool: ruler
Unit: feet

The correct answer is:

Tool: scale
Unit: pounds

1 cup = 8 fluid ounces

Does that mean it takes 24 fluid ounces of water to fill any 3 plastic cups?

3 plastic cups are the same height but different widths.

Yes, because water is liquid.

No, because not every drinking cup has a volume of 1 cup.

Yes, because 3 × 8 = 24.

No, because the cups are made of plastic

The correct answer is:

No, because not every drinking cup has a volume of 1 cup.