Why journalism has a gender problem how does the central idea of this article emerge

A:it is stated directly in the final paragraph

B: the text leaves it totally up to the reader interpretation

C: the first three paragraphs lead up to it

D: it is stated directly in the first paragraph

C: the first three paragraphs lead up to it

C: the first three paragraphs lead up to it

To determine how the central idea of this article emerges, we can analyze the structure and content of the article.

Option A suggests that the central idea is directly stated in the final paragraph. To verify this, you can read through the article and pay close attention to the final paragraph to see if it explicitly presents the central idea.

Option B implies that the article is open to reader interpretation, meaning the central idea might not be explicitly stated and readers are left to gather it themselves. In this case, you would need to carefully read the entire article to identify the recurring themes or main points that might indicate the central idea.

Option C suggests that the first three paragraphs lead up to the central idea. To investigate this option, you would need to examine the initial paragraphs to determine if they provide a buildup or provide context that eventually leads to the central idea.

Option D proposes that the central idea is directly stated in the first paragraph. To confirm this, you should read the first paragraph attentively to see if the main point of the article is explicitly mentioned.

By carefully reading and analyzing the article, you can determine which option accurately reflects how the central idea emerges.