Use the article to answer the question.

How does paragraph 4 refine the central idea?

(1 point)

It restates the central idea with a change in nuance after presenting data.
It restates the central idea with a change in nuance after presenting data.

It gives further detail about how the studies will help humans.
It gives further detail about how the studies will help humans.

It provides facts or statistics that help prove the central claim.
It provides facts or statistics that help prove the central claim.

It explains important background information that will help readers understand the central idea.
It explains important background information that will help readers understand the central idea.
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The question requires analyzing paragraph 4 to identify how it refines the central idea of the article. Without the specific article, it is not possible to provide a definitive answer. Please provide the article or specific details from paragraph 4 in order to answer the question accurately.