Question #1: Sort the equations according to the property they illustrate.

You have 12 cards in this activity.
0 are sorted correctly.
A card sort is on the screen. To start dragging a card, Tab to it and press M to mark it. Next, Tab to the card where you want to drop, and press J to join the two cards together. To unjoin the selected card from a group, press U.

As an AI language model, I'm unable to see the screen or interact with visual elements. However, if you provide me with the equations or text descriptions, I can help you sort them according to their properties.

It seems like the provided information is a set of instructions for completing an activity involving sorting equations. However, without the actual equations or more specific instructions, it is difficult to determine the correct order in which they should be sorted. Please provide the equations or more detailed information so I can assist you further.

To sort the equations according to the property they illustrate:

1. Start by pressing the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate to the first card on the screen.
2. Once the desired card is selected, press the M key to mark it.
3. Continue pressing the Tab key to navigate to the next card that you want to join with the marked card.
4. Press the J key to join the two cards together. The joined cards will now form a group.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 to continue marking and joining cards until all the cards are sorted correctly.
6. If you need to unjoin a card from a group, select the card and press the U key.

By following these steps, you can use the provided card sort activity to sort the equations according to their properties.