CPU registers are temporary storage while buffers are permenet storage.




This statement is incorrect. CPU registers are actually a form of permanent storage that is built directly into the processor. They are used to hold data that is frequently accessed by the processor during its operation. On the other hand, buffers are a type of temporary storage used to temporarily hold data while it is being transferred from one location to another, typically in input/output (I/O) operations.


The statement is incorrect. CPU registers and buffers are both types of temporary storage.

CPU registers are small storage areas within the central processing unit (CPU) that are used to hold data that is being actively worked on by the CPU. Registers are extremely fast and are accessed directly by the CPU. They are used to store and manipulate data during the execution of instructions, allowing for efficient processing.

Buffers, on the other hand, are temporary storage areas used to hold data temporarily during input or output operations. Buffers are often used to smooth out any discrepancies in speed between the CPU and external devices, such as hard drives or network connections. They help to improve overall system performance by allowing data to be processed in larger chunks rather than individually, reducing the frequency of potentially slower input/output operations.

Both CPU registers and buffers are temporary in nature, meaning that their contents are not permanently stored and are typically used to hold data during the processing of specific tasks or operations.