Temporary storage units that is built inside CPU that holds data for processes during processing

A)CPU Registers

B)CPU Buffers


C) Both CPU Registers and CPU Buffers

A) CPU Registers

The temporary storage units that are built inside the CPU to hold data for processes during processing are known as CPU Registers. These registers are small, high-speed memory locations that can store a limited amount of data directly accessible by the CPU.

To find the answer to this question, you can follow the steps below:

1. Start by understanding the purpose of temporary storage units inside the CPU.
2. Identify the terms used in the question: "temporary storage units," "built inside CPU," "holds data for processes during processing."
3. Search for different types of temporary storage units used in CPUs.
4. Compare the identified storage units with the description in the question.
5. Determine the correct answer based on the comparison.

In this case, the correct answer is A) CPU Registers, as CPU registers are the specific temporary storage units built inside the CPU that hold data during processing.