What is the meaning of 'infectious'?

A doctor's opinion about how a patient will recover from an illness or injury

When symptoms of a patient's disease get better, but are not cured

A disease that can be spread to other people by germs

A medication that makes someone feel better or become healthy again

The correct answer is: A disease that can be spread to other people by germs.

The meaning of 'infectious' is a disease that can be spread to other people by germs.

The correct meaning of 'infectious' is: a disease that can be spread to other people by germs.

To find the meaning of a word, you can use a dictionary. There are many online dictionaries available, such as Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, or Cambridge Dictionary. Simply type the word into the search bar on one of these websites, and you will be provided with the definition, along with additional information such as synonyms, antonyms, and usage examples.