fill the blank

The weight lifting bar weighs ___________ pounds.

The weight lifting bar weighs a variable amount of pounds, depending on its specific size and purpose. Common weight lifting bars typically weigh between 35 to 45 pounds.

The weight lifting bar weighs _________ pounds.

To fill in the blank, you need specific information about the weight of the bar, as it can vary depending on the type of bar you are referring to. Common weightlifting bars used in gyms typically weigh around 45 pounds (20.4 kilograms). However, there are also Olympic weightlifting bars that weigh 55 pounds (24.9 kilograms).

Therefore, based on the context or the specific type of weightlifting bar you are referring to, you can fill in the blank accordingly.

To find the weight that fills the blank, you would typically need additional information since weight lifting bars can vary in weight. However, for illustration purposes, let's assume that the most common weight for a standard weight lifting bar is 45 pounds.

Therefore, the weight lifting bar weighs 45 pounds.