Identified the pattern used in the sentence I emailed my english teacher my essay

The pattern used in the sentence "I emailed my English teacher my essay" is subject + verb + indirect object + direct object.

The pattern used in the sentence "I emailed my English teacher my essay" is the direct object pattern. This pattern consists of a subject (I), a verb (emailed), and two objects (my English teacher, my essay). The first object (my English teacher) is the indirect object, indicating the recipient of the action, and the second object (my essay) is the direct object, indicating the thing being acted upon.

The pattern used in the sentence "I emailed my English teacher my essay" is the transitive verb pattern.

To identify the pattern, we first need to recognize the main components of the sentence:

1. Subject: "I"
2. Verb: "emailed"
3. Direct Object: "my English teacher"
4. Indirect Object: "my essay"

In this sentence, the verb "emailed" is a transitive verb, which means it requires both a direct object and an indirect object. The direct object is "my English teacher," who receives the action of the verb, while the indirect object is "my essay," the thing that is being emailed.

This pattern can be expressed as:

Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Indirect Object

By analyzing the sentence and breaking it down into its components, we can confidently identify the pattern used.