Which statement best represents the way the Köppen climate system, environmental determinism, and possibilism are related?

(1 point)

Köppen refuted possibilism in developing his climate system, establishing environmental determinism, the view that humans are inexorably shaped by the physical environment.

Köppen refuted possibilism in developing his climate system, establishing environmental determinism, the view that humans are inexorably shaped by the physical environment.

The study of climate, using these three complementary models, has allowed geographers to study climate change more extensively than ever before.

The study of climate, using these three complementary models, has allowed geographers to study climate change more extensively than ever before.

Köppen’s climate system facilitated the study of human interaction with the environment, and possibilism replaced environmental determinism as the dominant model.

Köppen’s climate system facilitated the study of human interaction with the environment, and possibilism replaced environmental determinism as the dominant model.

Köppen accurately identified 24 distinct climate regions and established possibilism, replacing environmental determinism.

Köppen accurately identified 24 distinct climate regions and established possibilism, replacing environmental determinism.

Köppen developed his system to support more efficient agricultural practices, but his model has been used by possibilists, critics of

environmental determinism, to demonstrate that human behavior and development are not solely determined by the physical environment.

environmental determinism, to study the interaction between humans and the environment.

Köppen climate system, environmental determinism, and possibilism are three related concepts in the field of geography. To determine which statement best represents their relationship, we need to understand the definitions and connections between these concepts.

The Köppen climate system is a widely used classification system that categorizes climates based on temperature, precipitation, and vegetation patterns. It was developed by Russian-German climate scientist Wladimir Köppen in the early 20th century.

Environmental determinism is the belief that the physical environment, such as climate, landforms, and resources, determines human behavior, cultural development, and societal characteristics. It suggests that humans are shaped by their environment.

Possibilism, on the other hand, is a more modern perspective that acknowledges the influence of the physical environment on human activities but also emphasizes the role of human agency and cultural factors in shaping behavior and development. It suggests that humans have the ability to adapt and modify their environment.

Now, let's evaluate the given options:

1. The statement suggests that Köppen refuted possibilism and established environmental determinism. However, this is not accurate as Köppen's climate system and environmental determinism are not equivalent or interchangeable concepts.

2. This statement suggests that the study of climate, using the three models, has allowed geographers to study climate change extensively. While this is a valid point, it does not express the relationship between the three concepts.

3. This statement suggests that Köppen's climate system facilitated the study of human interaction with the environment, and possibilism replaced environmental determinism as the dominant model. This accurately reflects the relationship between the concepts, as it recognizes the role of Köppen's system in understanding human-environment interactions and the shift from environmental determinism to possibilism.

4. This statement is the same as the previous option, expressing the relationship between the concepts accurately.

5. This statement suggests that Köppen accurately identified climate regions and established possibilism, replacing environmental determinism. However, Köppen's system primarily focuses on climate classification, not changing conceptual paradigms.

6. This statement suggests that Köppen developed his system to support agricultural practices, but his model has been used by possibilists, critics of environmental determinism. While this acknowledges the broader usage of Köppen's system, it does not convey the relationship between the concepts in the given options.

Based on the evaluation above, options 3 and 4 best represent the way the Köppen climate system, environmental determinism, and possibilism are related.