which two states were created as a result of the northwest ordiance

The two states that were created as a result of the Northwest Ordinance were Ohio and Indiana.

The Northwest Ordinance, enacted by the United States Congress in 1787, led to the creation of several states. However, the two states that were specifically established as a result of the Northwest Ordinance are Ohio and Indiana.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, enacted by the United States Congress, established a process for creating new states in the Northwest Territory. Under this ordinance, two states were created: Ohio and Indiana.

To find this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct an online search: Using a search engine like Google or Bing, enter "Northwest Ordinance of 1787" or "states created by the Northwest Ordinance."

2. Select a reliable source: Choose a reputable website, such as government archives, history websites, or educational sources. Examples could include official government websites, trusted encyclopedias, or well-known history textbooks.

3. Read the information: Once you've found a suitable source, navigate to the relevant section or article about the Northwest Ordinance. Look for details about the creation of states resulting from the ordinance. This will typically include the names of the states and any additional information about their formation.

By following these steps, you can gather accurate information about the creation of Ohio and Indiana through the Northwest Ordinance.