What did the Northwest Ordinance outlaw in the Northwest Territory?

(1 point)

religious freedom
religious freedom


trial by jury
trial by jury

admission of new states


Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.

—Articles of Confederation, Article II

Use the passage to answer the question.
According to the excerpt, who had more power under the Articles of Confederation?
(1 point)

It gave the majority of the power to the national government, and limited the power of individual states.
It gave the majority of the power to the national government, and limited the power of individual states.

It gave the majority of the power to the individual states, and limited the power of the national government.
It gave the majority of the power to the individual states, and limited the power of the national government.

It gave the majority of the power to the British monarchy, and limited the power of the national government.
It gave the majority of the power to the British monarchy, and limited the power of the national government.

It gave the majority of the power to the Congress, and limited the power of individual states.
It gave the majority of the power to the Congress, and limited the power of individual states.

It gave the majority of the power to the individual states, and limited the power of the national government.

What are some weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that caused the need for a new and stronger federal government that the framers outlined in the Constitution? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

how to resolve disputes between states over land
how to resolve disputes between states over land

differences in opinions on how to establish a federal educational system
differences in opinions on how to establish a federal educational system

confusion over different state currency
confusion over different state currency

how to set up reserved land for Native Americans

how to resolve disputes between states over land

confusion over different state currency

Which of the following was one important contribution made by Benjamin Franklin during the Constitutional Convention?

(1 point)

He called for an end to the Articles of Confederation.
He called for an end to the Articles of Confederation.

He is known as the primary author of the U.S. Constitution.
He is known as the primary author of the U.S. Constitution.

He made a plea to delegates to accept the U.S. Constitution.
He made a plea to delegates to accept the U.S. Constitution.

He was the mastermind behind the Great Compromise.
He was the mastermind behind the Great Compromise.

He was the mastermind behind the Great Compromise.

What effect did the Three-Fifths Compromise have on Southern states?

(1 point)

It helped increase the number of slaves traded.
It helped increase the number of slaves traded.

It gave the South the power to outvote the North.
It gave the South the power to outvote the North.

It limited the number of states that allowed slavery.
It limited the number of states that allowed slavery.

It gave those states more representation in Congress.
It gave those states more representation in Congress.

It gave those states more representation in Congress.

What was a similarity between the Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta?

(1 point)

Both outlined a structure that gave the government the right to tax its citizens.
Both outlined a structure that gave the government the right to tax its citizens.

Both established a detailed justice system.
Both established a detailed justice system.

Both provided guidelines for ensuring basic citizen rights.
Both provided guidelines for ensuring basic citizen rights.

Both were based on the premise that the states should have more power.