Which point of view do most authors use when writing informational text?(1 point)






The correct answer is objective.

Most authors use the objective point of view when writing informational text.

The correct answer is "objective." Most authors use an objective point of view when writing informational texts. To determine the answer, we can look at the given options and identify the one that best reflects the general approach that authors take when presenting information.

The first step is understanding what each option means:

1. Objective: This means presenting information in a neutral and unbiased manner, without personal opinions or emotions.

2. Subjective: This means presenting information based on personal opinions, beliefs, or feelings.

3. Personal: This means writing from a personal perspective, sharing individual experiences and thoughts.

4. Connotative: This means using words or phrases with associated meanings and implied feelings.

Now, we can compare these options to understand which one aligns with how most authors write informational texts. In informational writing, the purpose is to provide accurate and unbiased information to the audience. Therefore, authors typically use an objective point of view, presenting facts and evidence without personal bias or opinion.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the correct answer is "objective."