Solve the expression 15⋅805+4(70−6).(1 point)


15⋅805+4(70−6) = 12075 + 4(64) = 12075 + 256 = 12331

To solve the expression 15⋅805+4(70−6), we will follow the order of operations, which is parentheses, exponents, multiplication/division (from left to right), and addition/subtraction (from left to right).

First, let's solve the expression inside the parentheses, 70−6.

70−6 = 64.

Now, we can replace the expression with its simplified value:

15⋅805 + 4(64).

Next, we'll perform the multiplication inside the parentheses:

4(64) = 256.

Now, we can replace the expression with its simplified value again:

15⋅805 + 256.

Lastly, we perform the multiplication:

15⋅805 = 12,075.

Therefore, the final result of the expression is:

12,075 + 256 = 12,331.

So, 15⋅805 + 4(70−6) = 12,331.

To solve the expression 15⋅805+4(70−6), we can follow the order of operations. The order of operations states that we need to perform any calculations inside parentheses first, then multiplication and division, and finally addition and subtraction.

First, let's calculate what's inside the parentheses: 70−6 = 64.

Now we can rewrite the expression without the parentheses: 15⋅805+4(64).

Next, let's perform the multiplication: 15⋅805 = 12075.

Now we have: 12075 + 4(64).

Lastly, let's perform the multiplication: 4(64) = 256.

Now we have: 12075 + 256.

Finally, we can add the two numbers together: 12075 + 256 = 12331.

Therefore, the solution to the expression 15⋅805+4(70−6) is 12331.