Solve the expression 15⋅805+4(70−6) .(1 point) 15⋅805+4(70−6)=

15⋅805+4(70−6) = 12,075 + 4(64) = 12,075 + 256 = 12,331

Solve the expression 15⋅805+4(70−6) .(1 point) 15⋅8^0/5 + 4(7^0 − 6)=

15⋅8^0/5 + 4(7^0 − 6) = 15⋅1/5 + 4(1 - 6) = 3 + 4(-5) = 3 - 20 = -17.

To solve the expression 15⋅805+4(70−6), we perform the following steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses.
70 - 6 = 64

Step 2: Multiply 4 by the result from Step 1.
4(64) = 256

Step 3: Multiply 15 by 805.
15 ⋅ 805 = 12,075

Step 4: Add the results from Step 3 and Step 2.
12,075 + 256 = 12,331

Therefore, 15⋅805+4(70−6) = 12,331.

To solve the expression 15⋅805+4(70−6), we need to simplify it step by step following the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

First, let's simplify the expression within the parentheses (70−6):
70−6 = 64

Now, let's substitute it back into the original expression:

Next, let's multiply 15 and 805:
15⋅805 = 12,075

Now, let's substitute it back into the expression:

Next, let's multiply 4 and 64:
4⋅64 = 256

Now, let's substitute it back into the expression:

Finally, let's add the two numbers:
12,075+256 = 12,331

Therefore, the solution to the expression 15⋅805+4(70−6) is 12,331.