When creating a piece of art for aesthetic purposes, the artist considers

(1 point)

how she can design a practical object.
how she can design a practical object.

how she can show an event in history.
how she can show an event in history.

what she thinks is pleasing and beautiful.
what she thinks is pleasing and beautiful.

what she can show about her cultural heritage.

what she can show about her cultural heritage.

The artist considers what she thinks is pleasing and beautiful.

The correct answer is: what she thinks is pleasing and beautiful.

When creating a piece of art for aesthetic purposes, the artist considers what she thinks is pleasing and beautiful. This is because art is often subjective and personal, and artists use their creativity to express their own ideas and emotions. To determine what is pleasing and beautiful to them, artists draw inspiration from their own experiences, beliefs, and perceptions of the world around them. This can include their cultural heritage, as it influences their artistic style, themes, and subject matter. Artists may also consider how they can show an event in history or design a practical object, but these considerations are more relevant in other types of art, such as historical or functional art, where the primary focus may not be solely on aesthetics.