In what order are location coordinates read on a map?(1 point)


meridian, hours, minutes, seconds

direction, hours, seconds, hemisphere

latitude, longitude, meridian, degrees

degrees, minutes, seconds, direction

degrees, minutes, seconds, direction

The correct order of reading location coordinates on a map is: degrees, minutes, seconds, direction.

In a map, location coordinates are typically read in the order of latitude and longitude, degrees, minutes, and seconds, and finally the direction.

To understand this order, let's break it down:

1. Latitude and Longitude: Latitude lines run horizontally, measuring the distance north or south of the equator. Longitude lines run vertically, measuring the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian.

2. Degrees: Latitude and longitude are typically given in degrees. Each degree is further divided into smaller units, such as minutes and seconds, to provide a more precise location.

3. Minutes: Each degree is divided into 60 minutes. It represents a measurement of distance that is smaller than a degree.

4. Seconds: Each minute is further divided into 60 seconds. Similar to minutes, seconds provide an even more accurate measurement of a location.

5. Direction: The direction indicates whether the coordinates represent a location in the northern or southern hemisphere for latitude, and in the eastern or western hemisphere for longitude. Typically, N stands for north, S for south, E for east, and W for west.

So, in summary, the correct order for reading location coordinates on a map is: degrees, minutes, seconds, and direction.