Which pronouns correctly complete the sentences?

George and ____ are going to the movies. Since the movie starts at one, ____ are taking the afternoon bus.

Maria, he

she, they

them, they

B. she, they

The correct pronouns to complete the sentences are:

George and they are going to the movies. Since the movie starts at one, they are taking the afternoon bus.

Option C: them, they

To determine the correct pronouns to complete the sentences, we need to consider the gender and number of people being referred to. Let's break down the sentences and identify the pronouns that fit:

1. "George and ____ are going to the movies."
Here we need a pronoun to refer to George. Since George is a male, we can use the pronoun "he" to complete the sentence. So, the options A and B are more likely than option C.

2. "Since the movie starts at one, ____ are taking the afternoon bus."
For this sentence, we need a pronoun to refer to both George and the other person. Since "George and ____" implies that there is at least one more person, the correct pronoun should be plural. Looking at the options, only option C provides us with the plural pronoun "they" to complete the sentence. Therefore, the correct option is C: "them, they."