Which pronouns correctly complete the sentences? Select the correct answer from the list.(1 point)

we met yesterday, is going to groom our dogs. who, whom

was he again? I don't remember meeting anyone. who,whom


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The correct pronouns to complete the sentences are:

1) Will, we met yesterday, is going to groom our dogs. (who)
2) Who was he again? I don't remember meeting anyone. (who)

To determine the correct pronouns that complete the sentences, we need to identify the roles of the pronouns in each sentence.

Let's analyze each sentence separately:

1. "Will, we met yesterday, is going to groom our dogs."

In this sentence, the pronoun is referring to the subject of the sentence, which is "Will." We are looking for the pronoun that can replace "Will" in the sentence.
The correct pronoun in this case is "who," as it is used to refer to the subject.

2. "Was he again? I don't remember meeting anyone."

In this sentence, the pronoun is referring to the object of the verb "meeting." We are looking for the pronoun that can replace "he" as the object of the verb.
The correct pronoun in this case is "whom," as it is used to refer to the object.

Therefore, the correct pronouns that complete the sentences are:
1. "Will, we met yesterday, is going to groom our dogs." - "who"
2. "Was he again? I don't remember meeting anyone." - "whom"