What is a major achievement associated with the Shang dynasty?

(1 point)

A major achievement associated with the Shang dynasty is the development and use of written language in the form of oracle bone script. This early form of writing involved inscribing characters on animal bones and turtle shells, which were then used for divination purposes. The discovery and decipherment of these oracle bones have provided invaluable insight into the culture, history, and beliefs of the Shang dynasty.

What is a major achievement associated with the Shang dynasty?

(1 point)

the development of a writing system

the development of a writing system

the construction of the Great Wall

the construction of the Great Wall

the invention of paper

the invention of paper

the technique of rice farming

The development of a writing system is a major achievement associated with the Shang dynasty.

Which statements accurately describe the Silk Road? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

It was created to help protect China from invaders.

It was created to help protect China from invaders.

It was used mainly for trade.

It was used mainly for trade.

It was similar to the Great Wall in both distance and direction.

It was similar to the Great Wall in both distance and direction.

Its route passed through two bodies of water and the Himalaya Mountains.

Its route passed through two bodies of water and the Himalaya Mountains.

It contributed to the spread of Buddhism in ancient China.

The two correct answers are:

- It was used mainly for trade.
- It contributed to the spread of Buddhism in ancient China.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

Systems of
contributed to the economic development of early Japanese civilizations.

Systems of trade and agriculture contributed to the economic development of early Japanese civilizations.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

Systems of
contributed to the economic development of early Japanese civilizations.
hunting or gathering
rice farming
civil service

Systems of rice farming contributed to the economic development of early Japanese civilizations.

Author’s Purpose Quick Check

1 of 41 of 4 Items
Which point of view do most authors use when writing informational text?(1 point)



