Based on the precise nature of shang dynasty calendars, what can you conclude about shang society. A. It made contact with several other advanced cultures. B. It relied on tradets to seek new ideas. C. It had skilled astronomers. D. It had a king who was also the high priest


From Kit Kat

Byee! :)

Ok so I'm finished answers question for today! I'll try to answer more tommorow 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM! :D

From Kit Kat

Good night! Bye!

Gm im up now :)

Excuse me, but I’m Ms. Jamie. We do not allow cheating in Connexus. If you continue to do so, I’m going to have to send an email to your parents. I know it’s you, Abby. Your from my 6th grade class. So please do not cheat or I’m going to have to send an email to your parents.

Best Regards,

Ms. Jamie

Bye! See you tomorrow! =)

To determine what can be concluded about Shang society based on the precise nature of their calendars, we can approach this question by breaking it down and examining the possible options:

A. It made contact with several other advanced cultures.

To determine if the Shang Dynasty made contact with several other advanced cultures, we would need to review historical records, archaeological findings, and any evidence of cultural exchange or trade routes. Examining these sources would provide insights into whether the Shang Dynasty had interactions with other civilizations.

B. It relied on traders to seek new ideas.

To understand if the Shang Dynasty relied on traders to seek new ideas, we would need to examine historical records and artifacts related to trade. We would look for evidence of the importation of goods, cultural exchange, or evidence of how new ideas and technologies were introduced to Shang society.

C. It had skilled astronomers.

Determining if the Shang Dynasty had skilled astronomers can be examined by analyzing historical records and artifacts related to astronomy. This could include ancient celestial records, astronomical instruments, or any evidence of the Shang Dynasty's understanding of celestial events.

D. It had a king who was also the high priest.

To determine if the Shang Dynasty had a king who was also the high priest, we would need to review historical records, inscriptions, and any evidence of the religious practices of the Shang Dynasty. This would include examining the roles and titles of the rulers, their involvement in religious ceremonies, or any references to religious authority held by the king.

So, based on the information provided, the precise nature of Shang Dynasty calendars alone does not directly lead to any conclusive evidence for options A, B, C, or D. Additional historical, archaeological, and other sources would need to be examined to draw accurate conclusions about Shang society.