What affect/effect will this have on my grade?



The correct word to use in this sentence is "effect." It refers to the result or consequence of something. Thus, the sentence should be: "What effect will this have on my grade?"

The correct word to use in this context is "effect." "Affect" is a verb and means to influence or have an impact on something. "Effect" is a noun and refers to the result or outcome of a particular action or event. In your question, you are asking about the impact or outcome of something on your grade, so the correct word to use is "effect." Therefore, the sentence should be: "What effect will this have on my grade?"

The correct word to use in this context is "effect." "Effect" is a noun that refers to the result or outcome of something. In this case, you are asking about the consequence or influence that an event or action will have on your grade. Therefore, option B is the correct choice in terms of word usage.

To determine the effect this will have on your grade, you should consider the specific event or action in question. For example, if you are asking how a missed assignment will affect your grade, you can check your class syllabus or talk to your teacher to understand the grading policy. In some cases, missed assignments may result in a point deduction or a zero for that particular assignment, which would negatively impact your grade. Similarly, if you are curious about how an extra credit opportunity will affect your grade, you can determine the maximum number of points you can earn and then calculate how it would impact your overall percentage or grade. By considering the specific circumstances and the grading criteria, you can determine the effect that various actions or events will have on your grade.