Use the paragraph to answer the question.

.The scuba instructor said that the occasional nurse shark might swim near the reef. But it is not an aggressive species. Seeing a shark was improbable but he said not to panic If we do.
What does The term probable mean in this context?
A. Unlikely
B. Difficult
C. Unpredictable
D. Harmless

A. Unlikely

What does optimistic mean?

Optimistic means having a positive or hopeful outlook, expecting the best possible outcome.

what does improbable mean?

oh someone alr said that

The term "probable" in this context means A. Unlikely.

To determine the meaning of the term "probable" in this context, we can look for clues within the paragraph. The scuba instructor mentions that seeing a shark was improbable but not to panic if it does happen. Based on this information, we can infer that the term "probable" here means "unlikely." Therefore, the correct answer is A. Unlikely.