Jse the paragraph to answer the question.

The scuba instructor said that the occasional nurse shark might swim near the reef, but it is not an aggressive species. Seeing
a shark was improbable, but he said not to panic if we do.
What does the term improbable mean in this context?

Improbable in this context means that the likelihood of seeing a shark is very low. It's like finding a unicorn at a grocery store, highly unlikely but not impossible. So, if you happen to spot a shark, don't panic, just invite it to join your underwater dance party!

To understand the meaning of the term "improbable" in this context, we can examine the paragraph for clues. The paragraph explains that the scuba instructor mentioned the possibility of a nurse shark swimming near the reef, but reassured that it is not an aggressive species. Additionally, the instructor said that seeing a shark was improbable, but if it did happen, there was no need to panic.

Based on this information, we can deduce that "improbable" means unlikely or not likely to happen. In this context, it suggests that the chances of encountering a shark while scuba diving are low, although not completely impossible.

In this context, the term "improbable" means that the likelihood or chance of seeing a shark while scuba diving near the reef is low or unlikely.